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Saturday, October 19, 2013

3 Uncommon Weight Loss Secrets

Being successful with losing weight can sometimes mean just having more dieting options. With this in mind, here are 3 uncommon weight loss secrets. Inserting these into your lifestyle may be just the jolt your diet needs.

3 Uncommon Weight Loss Secrets

Exercise in the mourning Getting up early to go to work can be challenging. So for some getting up even earlier to workout may be out of the question. But if you can, research has shown that those who consistently exercise in the mourning are able to better control their appetite by preventing snacking, which is the way most of us add on unnecessary calories to our diet.

Change your eating patterns Most diets have you eating the same amount of calories each day. Over time your body becomes accustomed to this, which may decrease if not cease all weight loss. To avoid this, change your eating patterns by varying the calories you consume.

To do this, change up the amount of food you eat every 3 to 4 days. For instance you can decrease your calorie consumption by 200 to 300 calories for two days; for the next two days, increase by the same amount. You then can go back to eating your normal calorie intake for the next several days. In the end, this confusion to your diet can help you keep shedding pounds.

Get your sleep Yes, I know. This is easier said than done. But if you can manage to get in 7 to (gasp) 9 hours, then the urge to overeat may diminish. Researchers from several studies have found a link between sleep and eating behavior. In their findings they report that when you do not get enough sleep, a certain hormone increases, which is believe to cause food cravings and the feeling of not being full. So do your appetite a favor and turn off the tube or stop your work, and get some sleep.

For More Related Topics Blog: Low Carb Weight Loss

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